Hypnobirthing for a harmonious birth

Hypnobirthing is not the weird and wacky notion that you may think it is.

I won’t be sitting you on stage and asking you to dance like a chicken. I will, however, be giving you tools and knowledge to prepare you for birth. You will understand your body and, effectively, I will provide a full birth preparation course that reduces the fear of childbirth. I will give you the power to assert control over your birth, ultimately making it an exciting and empowering experience with less need for pain relief. We will explore different tools and techniques throughout.

Pregnant woman sat calmly on a tree in the woods.


Visualise the birth you want and convince your mind it has done it before! We will explore tools to help you not only visualise the birth you want but use visualisation to trigger relaxation.

Pregnant woman relaxing in a seated yoga position.


Being in a relaxed state will help labour happen at the right speed for you and your baby and make the experience as comfortable as possible. We will learn important tools to help you to achieve this.

Pregnant woman stood on a beach at sunrise holding her bump.


Our minds are arguably our most powerful tool. If we can tap into our unconscious mind we can re-program them and overcome the fear surrounding childbirth and look forward to the birthing baby. We will learn the tool of self-hypnosis to reach the ultimate relaxed state and enable you to connect with your body fearlessly.

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